We have put the entire inventory on the ORDER FORM/PLANT LISTS page. The availability column indicates
the approximate date that the item can leave the greenhouse. We will update this often.
You can download the form and send in your order, or you can just list the items in an email to amydaskal@gmail.com. Pay by check (preferred) or exact cash when you come to pick up your plants. If you need to pay by credit card, let us know so we can call to get your CC information.
Orders will be assembled within 3 days of your target date. We are hoping to be able to process all orders by the next day, but we just don’t know what to expect. We’ll keep you posted.
If you visit the greenhouse to make your purchases, you can give us your order and we will collect it for you,
or you can go into the greenhouses WITH A MASK. Entry will be limited to 6 people in the annuals greenhouse and 3 people in the vegetable house. This is important for your safety and for the safety of all our customers and staff. Perennials are outside, but please keep to 6’ distancing. Please be patient. This is new for us, too, and we will try to have everything running smoothly.
Thank you!