In order to help us all reduce person-to-person contact, we are offering a way to pre-order your items for next-day pickup.
The pansies are ready!
An order sheet is posted below. (If it isn’t working for you, please get in touch with us and we can email the file to you directly as time permits.) Please update it with your information, save and submit via email ( by 2:00 P.M. for pick-up the following day. Please note our new hours from 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M. daily, with outdoor service only at this time.
If you are able to, it would be best if you call when you arrive so we can retrieve your order. We will be taking credit card payments over the phone, while cash (exact) and check can be placed in the designated payment box.
We will be posting new order sheets as additional items become available.
We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we all adjust to this new system. Thank you!
Google Sheet: click here
Excel Sheet: Click on the bottom right corner to open the full sheet. Select “File,” “Save As,” and '“Download a Copy.” Or you can use the sheet to help you find what you want and calculate your
payment, and then email a list of what you need by using CONTACT US.